:: Joe, Incorporated - AVOCADO :: |
circa 11 August 2003:
I "planted" my avocado seed. Using four standard size and length toothpicks, I carefully inserted part of the toothpick inside the avocado seed. Using a standard glass cup, I carefully filled it with water and placed the avocado seed (with toothpicks) on top, immersing half of the seed under water. The water is changed daily.
16 August 2003:
A small, thin crack has opened up on my avocado seed. Hopefully I will see some green sprouting very soon.
22 August 2003:
A fissure has opened up on the bottom side of the avocado seed. I regret to report that upon closer examination, there is no green coming out of it. I have yet to find any gucamole within its depths.
27 August 2003:
From the fissue has appeared a small growth. I carefully plucked the avocado seed from its water-soaked world and examined the growth. It appears as if the avocado seed is beginning to extend its roots out into the world.
3 September 2003:
There have been some exciting developments since the last update. The avocado seed has split into two distinct hemispheres. In the middle of the hemispheres, a small green growth has appeared. The root (not visible in photo) has grown considerable in width and length.
18 September 2003:
Left to her own devices, the force of nature cannot be stopped! Over two weeks have passed since the last update and already, the small green sprout coming forth from my avocado seed has extended further up into the world. The root has grown much longer and thicker. This is most exciting.
20 October 2003:
Over a month has passed by since the last avocado updates. And many new and exciting things have happened. You can see that the avocado "tree" is already in the advanced stages of growth. A long stem has started to grow and the roots are thicker and more complex.
30 November 2003:
Another month has passed by and my avocado tree is reaching new heights! Five large, bright-green leaves have sprouted from the stalk! After carefully looking underneath the leaves, I regretfully report that there are NO avocados. It looks like guacamole for my chips, and avocado slices for my sandwiches must wait. I will be planting the avocado into a pot filled with soil very soon.
15 February 2004:
A new year and a new home for the avocado plant. The plant has grown quite tall and has quickly outgrown the small water-filled cup. The avocado deserved a new home. I ventured to Target's garden department to pick up a small bag of soil and then I went to Orchard Hardware Supply to pick up the necessary tools for, what could be, a dirty job.
In the backyard, I filled about 25% the pot with some peat moss (or sphagnum for you green thumbs out there), then I filled another 50% with regular gardening soil and then filled the remaining 25% with more peat moss. The Miracle Gro brand peat moss allegedly helps the soil breathe and also help retain water. An old avocado-hand told me the peat moss trick, I will take his word for it.
I used my tools to carefully mix the soil and then carefully place my precious avocado plant in the warm and moist soil. I added a bit more soil and peat moss to cover the actual avocado seed. The next few days are very important for the avocado seed because of the transfer from water to soil. I will tend to it very carefully to make sure the avocado plant is not in any state of shock. Warmer weather should arrive soon which will be helpful for the avocado plant. I will be keeping the avocado plant on the sunnyside of the house each day and be sure to bring it in over night for fear that the avocado plant may freeze to death.
The avocado is precious to me.
The avocado plant before the transfer to a new home.
Here are the tools of the trade! Comfortable cushioned handles makes it easy to use for long periods of time.
The avocado plant just before it enters its new digs.
Home Sweet Home! The avocado plant and its first taste of delicious dirt and precious nutrients!
A close up of the avocado leaf shows a healthy, green leaf.
The new avocado plant is in its new home and ready to receive life-giving sunlight in its new home! Good luck avocado plant!